Lichen Planus
Varicose Veins
Eczema is a skin condition characterized by redness, itching, dryness of the skin.
There are different types of eczema. They are as follows –
- Atopic Dermatitis
This type is one of the most common type of eczema which is usually seen in childhood. Many people with this condition may have two other diseases along with it. They are Asthma and Hay fever. Atopic dermatitis occurs when your skin is not able to protect you from allergens.
- Contact Dermatitis
When your skin has become red and irritated after contact with some irritant or chemical substances it is known as contact dermatitis. The common causes are soaps, perfumes, detergent, bleach, paint, skin products, jewelry etc.
- Dyshidrotic Eczema
This type is characterized by formation of small blisters in your hands and feet. It results into itching. Dyshidrotic eczema can be caused by stress, allergies, exposure to nickel or cobalt.
- Hand Eczema
Eczema which affects hands is known as hand eczema. The hands become red with blisters and redness. The major cause for hand eczema is exposure to chemicals.
- Neurodermatitis
This is characterized as thick patches that bulges on the skin. Neurodermatitis is higher in patients who are already suffering from another type of eczema.
- Family history
- Asthma
- Hay fever
- Allergies
- Dry skin
- Soreness
- Itching
- Redness
- Cracked skin
- Fluid filled bumps
- Raw and swollen skin
It may affect any part hands, ankles, face, neck, feet, knees or scalp
Your doctor may advice any of these investigations for diagnosis –
- Physical Examination
- Biopsy
- Skin test
- IgE level test
Stay moisturizes and avoid drastic temperature changes to prevent your skin from drying.
Every individual is different from the other.
So how can the treatment be same? Of course everyone should be given a satisfying treatment.
In homoeopathy every patient is offered an individualized treatment leading to a permanent cure. In homoeopathy we do not treat you in parts i.e. head, heart, kidney, liver, gallbladder, rather we treat you as a whole by thoroughly understanding your symptoms.
Homoeopathic remedies are gentle, effective, palatable (sweet taste), have no side effects and are not addictive.
When a patient books an appointment with us for the first time, we spend around one to one and a half hours to know about the patient, the past history, family history, present complaints in detail and also suggest Investigations where necessary, on the basis of which we can decide the indicated remedy for your permanent cure.
Homoeopathy is one of the safest and best mode of treatment for eczema which gives a permanent cure. Homoeopathy will help in relieving the symptoms by treating the root cause. This remedy also works for eczema in eyelids and between fingers
We are hereby mentioning a few medicines which on proper case taking can help to select the remedy for eczema and cure the patient.
ADVICE :Taking homoeopathic medicine without consulting an homeopathic Doctor is not recommended.Lichen Planus
Lichen Planus is a skin condition in which there is itchy rash on the skin or in the mouth. It can affect different parts of the body.
The exact cause of lichen planus is unknown. But it may be due to abnormal immune reaction. The potential causes may be –
- Genetics
- Viral infection
- Stress
- Contact allergy
Triggers for lichen planus are –
- Ibuprofen
- Naproxen
- Flu vaccine
- Hepatitis C infection
- Medication for heart diseases
- Stress
- Allergens
- Dyes
- Diuretics
- Antibiotics
- When the mouth is affected –
- It may appear on the sides of the tongue, inside the cheek or gums
- The size may vary as well as increase in size
- Tenderness
- Pain in some of the cases
- They may appear like blue-white spots
- When the mouth is affected –
- When the mouth is affected –
- The parts usually affected are inner wrist, legs, torso or genitals
- They have sharp borders
- They often appear at the site of an injury
- They may be simple or in clusters
- They may be shining or scaly looking
- General symptoms –
- Hair loss
- Dry mouth
- Metallic taste in mouth
- Change in scalp color
- Itching
- Nail damage
Your doctor may advice any of these investigations for diagnosis –
- Physical examination
- Allergy tests
- Skin biopsy
- Hepatitis C test
- Woods lamp test
Lichen planus increases the risk of skin cancer. If the affected part is vagina of the female it may result into sexual dysfunction.
Self-care measures at home and good oral hygiene can help reduce the discomfort.
Every individual is different from the other.
So how can the treatment be same? Of course everyone should be given a satisfying treatment.
In homoeopathy every patient is offered an individualized treatment leading to a permanent cure. In homoeopathy we do not treat you in parts i.e. head, heart, kidney, liver, gallbladder, rather we treat you as a whole by thoroughly understanding your symptoms.
Homoeopathic remedies are gentle, effective, palatable (sweet taste), have no side effects and are not addictive.
When a patient books an appointment with us for the first time, we spend around one to one and a half hours to know about the patient, the past history, family history, present complaints in detail and also suggest Investigations where necessary, on the basis of which we can decide the indicated remedy for your permanent cure.
Lichen planus is curable with homeopathy. The homoeopathic medicines will relieve you from all the symptoms. It also helps in correcting the immunity issues. The duration of the treatment depends on the part affected, for example, if the skin is affected the recovery will be fast but if the genital region is affected it may take a longer duration.
We are hereby mentioning a few medicines which on proper case taking can help to select the remedy for lichen planus and cure the patient.
ADVICE :Taking homoeopathic medicine without consulting an homeopathic Doctor is not recommended.Ringworm
Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin. It is caused by a fungus and not a worm. The lesion caused by fungus appears like a worm in the ring and hence the disease is named as ringworm.
Stages of ringworm –
The lesion doesn’t appear immediately after you are infected by the fungus. It takes around 2 weeks. After which the symptoms start appearing.
Primary stage – During this stage pinkish red patch starts appearing.
Secondary stage – During this stage the lesion starts increasing in size.
Types of ringworm –
- Tinea capitis – In this type the scalp is affected
- Tina corporis – In this type the skin of the whole body is affected
- Tinea cruris – In this type the groin is affected.
- Tinea pedis – In this type the feet is affected.
ADVICE: As soon as any symptom is noticed immediately consult a Doctor as it is highly contagious.
Fungi are the main cause of ringworm
- Trichophyton
- Microsporum
- Epidermophyton
The infection can be transmitted through humans as well as animals.
Ringworm is a highly contagious disease and it can spread in the following ways –
It can spread from an infected person by direct skin to skin contact.
It can spread through contact with an object which is touched by the infected person.
Pet lovers be cautious. As ringworms can spread by touching infected pets like cats and dogs.
Weak immune system can lead to not only ringworm but many other diseases.
Sports or dancing or partner yoga and exercise wherein there is skin contact.
Living in a warm and humid place
- The ringworm starts with a bump or thickening
- Redness
- Itching
- Scaly patches
- Blisters
- The edges of the patches are well defined and raised overlapping rings
Take the proper treatment for as long as recommended by your doctor to ensure it doesn’t re-appear.
Your doctor may advice any of these investigations for diagnosis –
- Skin biopsy
- Fungal culture
If your immune system is very weak, as in for immune suppressed patients like AIDS, Chron’s disease, the disease can go deeper in the skin and attack your body. Patients of diabetes can be at higher risk.
Take the proper treatment for as long as recommended by your doctor to ensure it doesn’t re-appear.
Every individual is different from the other.
So how can the treatment be same? Of course everyone should be given a satisfying treatment.
In homoeopathy every patient is offered an individualized treatment leading to a permanent cure. In homoeopathy we do not treat you in parts i.e. head, heart, kidney, liver, gallbladder, rather we treat you as a whole by thoroughly understanding your symptoms.
Homoeopathic remedies are gentle, effective, palatable (sweet taste), have no side effects and are not addictive.
When a patient books an appointment with us for the first time, we spend around one to one and a half hours to know about the patient, the past history, family history, present complaints in detail and also suggest Investigations where necessary, on the basis of which we can decide the indicated remedy for your permanent cure.
Ringworm can be cured with homeopathy without any complications.
If you have other medicines and are suffering from its side effects, homoeopathy also helps you to get rid of those side effects.
We are hereby mentioning a few medicines which on proper case taking can help to select the remedy for ringworm and cure the patient.
ADVICE :Taking homoeopathic medicine without consulting an homeopathic Doctor is not recommended.Urticaria
Urticaria is also known as HIVES. It is characterized by swollen, pale, red bumps on the skin which appears suddenly due to allergies or any other unknown reason. They can appear anywhere on the body and may join to form larger patches. The two types of urticaria are –
Acute urticariaIn this type, the urticaria / hives last for less than 6 weeks. The most common causes are insect bites, nuts, chocolates, eggs, fresh berries, fish , tomatoes, milk, aspirin, ibuprofen.
Chronic urticariaIn this type hives last for greater than 6 weeks . The cause of this type is very difficult to find out compared to the acute urticaria.
How is urticaria developed?When an allergen comes in contact with the body there is formation of antibodies by the immune system. Antigen antibody combine to activate the immunological reaction. This reaction results in release of histamines. Histamine cause vasodilation, swelling, rash, itching and pain. Urticaria is nothing but antigen antibody reaction triggered due to certain allergen, medicines or other triggers.
Pain killers
Painful swelling
Red or skin colored wheals
Wheals may spread and join to form larger areas of flat and raised skin
When you press the center of a wheal it turns white
Triggers for urticaria
Insect bites
Animal danger
Emotional stress
Excessive stress
Shell fish
Your doctor may suggest the following tests –
Skin tests
Blood test
Serum IgE level
C Reactive proteins
Low histamine foods that patients must include in their diet are – Vegetables, bread, pasta, rice
Histamine rich foods that patients must avoid are – Tomatoes, spinach, fermented food, fast food, processed food and alcoholic drinks
Know your trigger and avoid it
Medication that lead to urticaria
Wear comfortable clothes
Avoid vigorous physical exercise which may cause urticaria
Avoid exposure to extreme heat and cold
Every individual is different from the other.
So how can the treatment be same? Of course everyone should be given a satisfying treatment.
In homoeopathy every patient is offered an individualized treatment leading to a permanent cure. In homoeopathy we do not treat you in parts i.e. head, heart, kidney, liver, gallbladder, rather we treat you as a whole by thoroughly understanding your symptoms.
Homoeopathic remedies are gentle, effective, palatable (sweet taste), have no side effects and are not addictive.
When a patient books an appointment with us for the first time, we spend around one to one and a half hours to know about the patient, the past history, family history, present complaints in detail and also suggest Investigations where necessary, on the basis of which we can decide the indicated remedy for your permanent cure.
Homoeopathy is one of the safest and best mode of treatment for URTICARIA. Homoeopathy will help in relieving the symptoms by treating the root cause. Homeopathy offers effective cure for acute, chronic as well as recurrent urticaria. Homoeopathy treatment when taken regularly can reduce the dependency on conventional treatment.
Regular use of homoeopathy medicine will reduce the hyper-sensitivity to allergens.
Homoeopathy treatment for urticaria offers long lasting relief.
If you have been taking some medicines since a very long time and you are suffering from its side effects, homoeopathy will also help in getting rid of these side effects.
We are hereby mentioning a few medicines which on proper case taking can help to select the remedy for urticaria and cure the patient.
ADVICE :Taking homoeopathic medicine without consulting an homeopathic Doctor is not recommended.Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are swollen twisted and enlarged veins which occur due to poor circulation. Mostly the veins of the legs are affected.
Risk of varicose veins advances with age. Women are more at high risk to develop this condition compared to men. If any of your family members had varicose vein there are chances that you too may develop this condition. Being overweight puts immense pressure on the vein which may result into varicose. In case of pregnancy, increased volume of blood and hormonal changes leads to increased chances of developing varicose vein.
The veins carry blood from the body to the heart. Inside the veins are small one way valves that open to let the blood flow and close to prevent backflow. If the veins become weak and do not function properly it leads to backward flow of blood. As a result the blood collects in the vein and becomes swollen and enlarged.
The vein in our legs have one way valves. When muscles contract the valves open and blood from the leg pushes upwards to reach the heart. When these muscles relax the valves close to prevent reverse flowing of blood back in legs. In case the valves do not function properly it results in a reverse flow of blood and stagnation of blood in the leg. This causes the veins to become enlarged twisted, engorged and they are known as varicose vein.
Leg pain
Veins appear swollen and bulging
Veins may become blue or purple in color
Leg feels heavy especially after exercise
Pain, which is worse after sitting or standing for long period
Itching around the affected vein
Mild swelling on ankle
Throbbing pain and cramps in leg
Ulceration over the varicose vein
Restless legs
Your doctor may suggest the following tests –
- Ultrasound
Your doctor may suggest the following tests –
Venous Ulcer
Varicose Eczema
Certain lifestyle changes can help in managing varicose veins. We all know exercise is good for our health but it is best for varicose vein patients as it will increase the blood flow throughout the body and reduce inflammation. Exercise will also help in maintaining the ideal weight.
Exercises recommended for varicose veins are –
Lunges, leg lifts, bicycling, walking
Food that varicose veins patient should include in their diet are –
Green vegetables, citrus fruits, Vitamin E and Vitamin C rich foods, sweet potatoes, bananas, fiber-rich food like flaxseeds, cucumber, fresh herbs.
Foods that varicose veins patient should avoid are –
Sugar, alcohol, caffeine, processed foods
Avoid sitting and standing for longer duration. Compress stocking are of great help. It squeezes the leg muscles and help them to circulate blood efficiently.
Every individual is different from the other.
So how can the treatment be same? Of course everyone should be given a satisfying treatment.
In homoeopathy every patient is offered an individualized treatment leading to a permanent cure. In homoeopathy we do not treat you in parts i.e. head, heart, kidney, liver, gallbladder, rather we treat you as a whole by thoroughly understanding your symptoms.
Homoeopathic remedies are gentle, effective, palatable (sweet taste), have no side effects and are not addictive.
When a patient books an appointment with us for the first time, we spend around one to one and a half hours to know about the patient, the past history, family history, present complaints in detail and also suggest Investigations where necessary, on the basis of which we can decide the indicated remedy for your permanent cure.
Homoeopathy is one of the safest and best mode of treatment for VARICOSE VEINS which gives a permanent cure. Homoeopathy helps in relieving the symptoms by treating the root cause. It helps in treating all types of varicose veins cases barring a few complicated ones. It strengthens the valves and thus there is reduction of blood engorgement.
Varicose Ulcers can be cured with Homeopathy.
Non-Healing Ulcers respond well to homeopathy as our medicines help by healing the immune system.
If you have been taking some medicines since a very long time and you are suffering from its side effects, homoeopathy will also help in getting rid of these side effects.
We are hereby mentioning a few medicines which on proper case taking can help to select the remedy for varicose and cure the patient.
ADVICE :Taking homoeopathic medicine without consulting an homeopathic Doctor is not recommended.Vitiligo
Vitiligo causes loss of skin colour in patches. It can affect any part of the whole body. Vitiligo occurs when the cells that produce melanin stops functioning. Vitiligo is associated with three autoimmune disorders – Hyperthyroidism, Addison disease and Pernicious anemia.
Types of vitiligo –
Generalized – This is the most common type, in which the patches appear all over the body.
Segmental – This type usually affects only one part or one area.
Mucosal – This type affects the mucous membrane of mouth or your genitals.
Universal – This is a rare type. In this type more than 80% of the body is affected by vitiligo.
Melanocytes are pigment producing cells of our body. Vitiligo occurs when these cells die or stop functioning. Other causes are –
- Autoimmune disorder
- Family history
- Neurogenic factors
Patches of skin loose colour It usually affects eyes, mouth, inside mouth, rectal areas, armpits, wrists, fingers, nostrils, scalp, hair roots and navel.
Your doctor may advice any of these investigations for diagnosis –
- Physical examination
- Blood test
- Skin biopsy
If proper treatment is not done, it can lead to the following complications –
- Anxiety
- Sunburn
- Depression
- Eye problems
Protect your skin from the sun and natural homeopathic treatment will help.
Every individual is different from the other.
So how can the treatment be same? Of course everyone should be given a satisfying treatment.
In homoeopathy every patient is offered an individualized treatment leading to a permanent cure. In homoeopathy we do not treat you in parts i.e. head, heart, kidney, liver, gallbladder, rather we treat you as a whole by thoroughly understanding your symptoms.
Homoeopathic remedies are gentle, effective, palatable (sweet taste), have no side effects and are not addictive.
When a patient books an appointment with us for the first time, we spend around one to one and a half hours to know about the patient, the past history, family history, present complaints in detail and also suggest Investigations where necessary, on the basis of which we can decide the indicated remedy for your permanent cure.
If you have other medicines and are suffering from its side effects, homoeopathy also helps you to get rid of those side effects.
We are hereby mentioning a few medicines which on proper case taking can help to select the remedy for vitiligo and cure the patient.
ADVICE :Taking homoeopathic medicine without consulting an homeopathic Doctor is not recommended.